mercoledì 30 ottobre 2013


Origins of:


Halloween or Hallowe'en is an original Celtic festivity, celebrated on October the 31st mostly in America, Ireland and in other countries of the world. For the Celts, Halloween was the day before the end of the Summer and of the year. For them it was a very magical day because the veil between the world of the living and the world of the dead was very thin, so thin that the spirits could cross it to terrify the people. In order to keep the bad spirits away, each family had to burn a piece of the sacred wood from the Bonfire, put it into a carved pumpkin and leave it into the fireplace. On the contrary, to attract the good spirits they had to prepare their favourite dishes and place them outside the front door.
This festivity is now very popular in America and in Ireland because during the 19th century the Irish families starved to death for the winter that killed all the harvest, and so 700.000 people immigrated to America and transferred this tradition to american people.

venerdì 18 ottobre 2013

Origins of my name

Origins of my name:

Antonio is a name that comes from Etruscan population, it is a noble name. The name Antonio literally means: the one who fights, who faces. St Antonio is celebrated on January the 17th, it is very popular in the Italian traditions, but it is celebrated on June 13th. This saint actually was from Egypt, infact, he lived 106 years which 80 of them he spent in the Egyptian desert. He's considerated the protector of animals, he is also invoked for the health of the body.

  • Name-day:  Fighter, one who fights
  • Meaning: January 17th - June 13th
  • Origins: Etruscan
  • Corresponding sign: Scorpion
  • Lucky number: 6
  • Color: Red
  • Stone: Ruby
  • Metal: Iron

venerdì 4 ottobre 2013

The person that I want to be

My favourite idol is:
Edward Micheal Grylls
(Bear Grylls)

Edward Micheal Grylls also known as Bear Grylls is a British writer, television presenter, adventurer and survivor. He is best known for his television series: "Man vs Wild". He had a normal childhood because his parents had a job in the parliament, so the family was very wealthy. After leaving school at 16 he joined the Territorial Army and served for three years. After his military career he started to be an adventurer. In 2009, Grylls was the youngest-ever Chief Scout at age of 35. He was also the youngest person to climb the Mount Everest, but unfortunately a young adventurer broke his record at age of 19. During last year he suffered a free-fall parachuting accident from the highest mountain in Zambia, causing him to fall on his parachute pack on his back, which crushed three vertebrae, fortunately that fall couldn't kill him. Now he's famous all around the world for his beautiful journeys and his magnificent adventures in the most beautiful forests of the world.